Established 1963
Patron: Robert Holland
Registered Charity Number: 505960
President: Philip Robinson
Our current workshop runs through the summer. Please the details below.
Verdi Workshop
Our spring workshops in 2025 are all designed to get us ready for singing Verdi Requiem in Ely Cathedral on 29th March 2025. If you would like to have a go at singing the Requiem, please come to the first workshop on 4th January. Once you have decided to join in, we will ask you to attend weekly rehearsals (Tuesday evenings) and two further workshops, on 18th January (Grantham) and 8th March (Peterborough). All are welcome on 4th January! Details below.
Saturday 4th January, 10am to 1pm (arrive from 9:30am for registration and refreshments). Harrowby Lane Methodist Church, Princess Drive in Grantham. £10 for non-members, to cover hire costs and refreshments. Hire copies of the music will be provided. This workshop will be led by our Musical Director, David Humphreys.
Please email our secretary to book your place –
Bank: Barclays Bank
Sort Code: 20-34-60
Account Number: 80417556
Name: Grantham Choral Society