Established 1963
Patron: Robert Holland
Registered Charity Number: 505960
President: Philip Robinson
Sponsors and Patrons
We hope that you will consider sponsoring Grantham Choral Society, the town's community-based choir with a history stretching back to 1963 when we gave our first concert celebrating the quincentenary of the town.
We perform throughout the year, with a largely classical but accessible repertoire. Recent concerts include Messiah (Handel) and Petite Messe Solennelle (Rossini), Mozart's Vespers and Vivaldi's Magnificat together with lighter seasonal Christmas music.
​We usually bring in young professional soloists from around the UK, as well as from local schools, to give them a chance to perform early in their careers.
Our audiences come from across the local area and usually number upwards of 200 at our concerts in St Wulfram's Church and Christchurch, Finkin Street (Alderman Roberts' church).
We are enormously grateful to our current sponsors and patron for so generously helping to make our music-making such a great success. Our sponsors and patron are largely local businesses who are keen to demonstrate their commitment to community arts in Grantham. We are keen to expand our network of supporters and have recently developed a new sponsorship scheme.
Sponsorship Options
1. Bronze Sponsorship - £75 a year (April to March)
Your business name and logo will be listed on our website and in all concert programmes as a sponsor (usually 2-3 concerts per year.
A free ticket and reserved seat for all of our concerts
You may display advertising material on the Society's noticeboard in church on the day of the concert.
2. Silver Sponsorship - £120 a year (April to March)
As for Bronze but with 2 free tickets/reserved seats for each concert
3. Gold Sponsorship - £240 a year (April to March)
As for Bronze/Silver but with 4 free tickets/reserved seats for each concert
We really hope that a sponsorship relationship with our society will be beneficial to both you and us and here are some of those benefits:
A strong association with Grantham's Community Choir, with publicity in our concert programmes and at our 2-3 concerts in the year leading to a channel of publicity with our concert-goers.
Visibility on our website with links from our website to yours so that visitors can easily find out more information about you.
Complimentary tickets for concerts - free ticket numbers vary as laid out in the sponsorship options above.
The satisfaction of being involved in, and supporting, a community-based choir whose aim is to perform quality music to a high standard and this may be something that your employees, clients and customers will appreciate.
For more information, please contact our secretary, Fiona Zealley, or download our sponsorship form.